Top 10 Affordable Tools for Small Business Owners – #3 Evernote

evernote_logo_340pxWhere do I begin to sing the praises of this indispensable tool?!?  It’s not just great for small business owners, it’s a fantastic little tool for anyone who keeps any kind of lists, notes, memos, etc. Using Evernote is like having a portable, digital bulletin board with you everywhere you go. Jot a text note to yourself, keep a digital checklist, clip a Web page, take a picture of a fabulous bottle of wine you have at dinner, then sync it all across your PC, smartphone, tablet and the Web.

In addition to the twenty or so other things I use it for, I love using Evernote to keep track of my blog ideas. I don’t know about you, but I get GREAT ideas for my blog when I’m out and about, going about my business, etc…but I rarely have any ideas magically pop into my head during the time in my day that I designate for blogging. That’s when I turn to the treasure trove of ideas that I’ve collected on Evernote! Voila!! It’s the next best thing to your blog writing itself!!

Oh, and did I mention?…it’s FREE!!!!


  1. This is quite helpful and a tremendous time saver…thanks Web Chick!

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