Tag: Small Business Websites

Stuff I Like: GreenGeeks Hosting

Not too long ago, a representative from GreenGeeks reached out to me about including their hosting service on my Stuff I Like page as a paid affiliate. Well, I never just recommend a product or service to my clients and website visitors because I know I can make a buck doing it. I only share recommendations …

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New Year, New Ways to Stand Out in Social Media and on the Web

It is my pleasure to introduce you to Dan Rosandich, accomplished cartoonist and guest blogger.  Enjoy!  ~ YWC Humor can be defined as the tendency of particular experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement. This definition is certainly fitting when it comes to cartoons. When presented with images depicting a scenario with a gag line …

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Small Biz Owners Thinking of Starting a Website

Michael Hobson has published a short but vital list of 6 Horrendous Web Design No-Nos.  If you are shopping around for a web designer and they suggest the use of any of these techniques, chances are they are more interested in showing off their artistic prowess than in getting your business found on the web…just a …

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So You’re Not Listed as the Registrant for Your Website. Now What?

So, you’ve discovered you’re not the true owner of your website.  You pay your webmaster for the registration as well as the hosting, and you paid for the design of the site.  Taking all that into account, how can you not be the owner??? When you retained a company or individual to build your site, the …

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Who Owns Your Website?

Who Owns Your Website?

Some of you may be thinking, “Well, that’s a silly question…I do!”  And that would be logically sound…but not necessarily true.  Many entrepreneurs and small business owners assume when they hire a web designer that, since the page is being designed for their company, they also own the website.  If someone else designed your website …

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