The only surefire way to NEVER have your Facebook account hacked is to not have a Facebook account. But there are some preventive measures you can take, as well as procedures you can have in place to help cushion the blow if it does happen to you. [Updated 11/17/21 to include information on adding Trusted …
Tag: Facebook
Feb 01
Facebook Changes 2018: The Sky is Falling!
OK, the sky isn’t really falling. But there are some major changes taking place over the course of this year at the biggest social platform on the planet. Shades of things to come First, Facebook vowed to crack down on what they call ‘engagement bait‘ as part of the process of improving the news feed …
Jun 23
Coming Soon to a Facebook Group Near You
With Facebook nearing 2 billion monthly active users, it’s evident that Facebook is the world’s largest social network. As Facebook’s reach becomes even more global, its intended focus over the next decade is to bring the world closer together by empowering people to build and support communities on Facebook. Guided by that intention, the platform …
Jan 14
Greatest Hits: Top 5 Blog Posts of 2016
Trying to decide what to write for my first blog post of 2017, I thought it might be fun to sort of “recap” 2016. So I reviewed my traffic statistics to figure out what my top 5 blog posts of 2016 were. And here they are! We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges (Or Do We?)
Nov 24
4 Great Ways to Show Gratitude on Social Media
Displaying gratitude on social media is one effective way for your small business to draw its online audience closer and establish loyalty among its web community. Here are 4 easy ways you can do that: On Periscope, you can thank your active viewers for their hearts and other interaction during a broadcast. After the broadcast, …